HE did that, SHE did that!

SHE was doing barely fine, but promised SHE will never hurt herself again. Living in a world filled with monsters, SHE wore the mask of happiness. Going here and there, trying to keep up with her loneliness. Suddenly SHE meets him; THE MR RIGHT. Going all crazy with all the promises and lies HE makes up. Thinking this time it will be different. Silly girl, SHE was not aware what the future had to hold for her was way worse then she could ever imagine.

Their love grew like a flower, HE promised her every happiness. SHE was filled with joy and happiness. Finally her life was picture perfect but suddenly it was crashing down. SHE was in a shock, how can in a short span of time HE has the power to do that to her. To kill her without doing a thing. SHE got herself addicted to him while HE was busy goofing around. SHE saw him enjoying with his friends while she waits every night for him. SHE kept on begging for his and he kept making excuses. SHE tried leaving him but SHE never had the will to do so,thinking this time it will change.

Then, SHE finally see how happy HE was without her so SHE gave up on the one thing that kept her alive. SHE kept quiet while HE was busy in his life. Taking her for granted that no matter what happens SHE is gonna stick around. But this time it is not like that; SHE let him go for him!



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